Friday, June 6, 2008

Angel Joshua's Family
Josh is a mommies boy, who loves to take naps with his mom, and cling to when he is sick. His mother (Nancy Bingham) is a elementary teacher, and works to provide everything neccessary to meet his everyday, and future needs. Josh loves to swim with his Daddy, and play with him. His father (Bobby Bingham) is the area director of The Boy's and Girl's Club, and is a equal care giver. Josh is the Baby out of four children. He has Two sisters, and one brother. Brittany, 18 is the oldest sister who Josh loves to wressle and tumble with. While Victoria, 16 who wrote this enjoys singing to Josh while he laughs, and stares with amusement. Paul 13, doesn't mind helping out with Josh's daily routine, and he spends alot of time entertaining Josh, (Which is not very hard to do). During times of Chaos Josh's wonderful Grandparents, Aunts, and cousins, help pitch in to keep things going. Josh Loves each family member in a unique way. Josh's family has been a huge support system for Josh, and continues to pray for Josh daily.
Allison Davis is a very important and special person in Josh's life. When Josh was just two, and had recently been diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, he started attending Good Will Easter Seals pre-School, who specialized with special children. Allison was a member of the staff there and immediatley clicked with Josh. After a couple years thats josh and Allison spent together my parents asked her to babysit. She was the first person my parents had ever asked, and felt secure when she baby sat. As the years went Joshua Graduated from K-5 and left Allison, but that never stoped her from continuing to be apart of Josh's life as well as his families. Joshua and his sisters when in Allison's wedding. Josh's sisters pulled Josh in a wagon that was covered in white, and decorated with elegance down the isle to be beside Allison. They even had there own song to dance to at her reception. Over the years Allison continued to play a major role in josh's life, and is now apart of our family. She has never missed a visit at the Hospital to Josh, or her weekly and sometimes daily visits. She has two Children Nicole who is 5, and baby Lee who is about 8 months, and to Josh's sisters her children are there niece and nephew. We wouldn't have made it without Allison's loving support. She has truly been a wonderful blessing for Josh and his Family.